Moana Blog
Common Rookie Mistakes
Paddle boarding is an all inclusive sport, anyone can do it. It can be challenging, fun, funny, exciting and relaxing, all in one paddle too!
We love seeing more people getting into paddle boarding and think it's bloody terrific seeing all sorts experiencing the Moana.
Once you've bought yourself a board, it's relatively easy to get out there and start exploring your local waters, with little or no experience. Here's where this pearl of wisdom below comes in.
Get Geared Up for Summer
We can all feel the seasons changing and for many of us our boards have been hibernating over winter, but now it’s time to dust off the cobwebs and get them out!
Once you find your gear, whether it’s been in the corner of the garage, the boat shed, or in storage, it’s really important to give it a check before heading out onto the water.
Here's a few things you should take a look at...The Big Debate: Hard vs. Inflatable
Normally THE most asked question when someone starts looking at buying a paddle board, should I get a hard board or an inflatable? …and it’s not always as simple as it seems so we’ve made a list of the key reasons you should go for one or the other.